Mexico’s amazingly vivid history goes back as far as 40,000 years according to some archaeologists. Five different civilizations thrived in the region. By today’s standards, some of these civilizations weren’t so civilized. While Mexico boasts a rich legacy of many cultures, it also carries a past filled with conflict, tribal warfare, and foreign invasion.

An unfortunate remnant of Mexico’s history of conquest is the mark of poverty, particularly among many remote indigenous villages. An estimated 44 million people live in poverty in Mexico. Of those, 14 million live in extreme poverty -less than US $1.90 a day. Some of the indigenous people that CHOICE is currently working with are the Huichol, the Mazahuas, the Otomi, and the Tarahumara people. These native Mexicans are rich in culture, tradition, and language, but unfortunately, in recent years have been marginalized and discriminated by urban populations of Mexico. more


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